The chronicles of one girl's journey for love, education, and life down under.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What did you just say?

Words, words, words. Who knew two English speaking countries could have so many barriers with words and phrases? You'd think that since Australians and Americans both speak English it would be easy to communicate with each other. WRONG! I cannot tell you how many conversations have been interrupted with the statement, "I have no idea what you are talking about" or the eruption of laughter when one person says a word that has a completely different meaning to the other person.

For example, Adam is a surfer and had a surfing competition coming up and I told him I would be rooting for him. In America, we all know if you are going to root for someone you are going to cheer for that person. In Australia, it means to have sex with someone much like shagging is to Austin Powers and English people. So when I told Adam I was going to root for him, he took it as I was going to have sex with someone for him. That was an awkward moment between the two of us. We quickly cleared up the confusion and had a good laugh, because like I said earlier, this happens a lot.

I know that I’m starting this subject area way too early, because as soon as I get over to Australia I'm sure I will have many more stories to tell about blank stares, misunderstandings, etc. Here are a few words that I have a come across so far that had to be explained to me.

Wanker/Titty wanker- Used to indicate that someone is being a jerk. Used in the same way as calling someone a “dick”.

Heaps- A unit of measurement

Arvo-afternoon, not to be confused with Avos, which are avocados

Budgie smugglers: A man’s bathing costume which looks like our men’s Speedos or if you prefer, banana hammocks. A budgie is a small bird, I’m sure you can understand why it is called a budgie smuggler.

Esky-An ice chest or cooler

Larrikin- a jokester or prankster

In short, what I have picked up from the Australia language is that they shorten everything. I didn’t do a good job of showing it here, but if in doubt and you want to say something like an Aussie would, abbreviate it. I’m sure this subject area will be touched upon a lot in posts to come but I wanted to give you a little taste of what it’s going to be like communicating with my bf and future friends.

1 comment:

  1. Im a fan of the nicknames: dennis= denno. adam is adsi. Some dont even make sense, like aaron becomes az?

    - Mel (aka stecko) (you met me new years :) )
