The chronicles of one girl's journey for love, education, and life down under.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One flu over the Aussie's nest

Normal flu. Check. Swine flu. Check. Weird Australian strain of flu. Check

Man I hate getting sick. What I hate getting worse than anything is the flu, and I seem to get it seriously at least once a year. You would think by now I would get flu shots every year, but honestly I cannot even tell you the last time I got one of those. I'll go ahead and do what every child does and blame it on my parents. Maybe not both, because one parent gets flu shots every year, the other one does not believe in them. The problem is I cannot remember which is which. I think my Dad is the one that believes. He works in the medical field so I can imagine it would be him. Although, Barbie girl does work closely with patients so it could be her. Then again I cannot really see her being bothered with a little thing like a flu shot. Either way it is their fault that I have the flu right now. Yes, even though I am 25,336KM (I did just google map this. Also, it gave me driving directions which I find a bit odd because I do not remember anyone building a bridge through the Pacific Ocean. Not to worry I don't think I'll be driving home anytime soon as it would take me 56 days and 1 hour.) away from them they are still to blame.

I first really started feeling sick on Saturday. I thought it was something entirely different since I had a cyst rupture on my ovary that day. Yeah awesome. I have had a stupid cyst rupture before so it wasn't as big of a deal to me, although I know I totally freaked Adam out. He thought I was dying, and of course me being me would not let him take me to the hospital. Anyway, I felt so sick afterwards which continued into Sunday. I was stuck either in bed or on the couch relying on Adsy to take care of me. Poor me.

I did go to both my classes on Monday, because I was feeling a little bit better. Thinking back I'm pretty sure I infected everyone I came into contact with on Monday. Oops. The flu is so sneaky. It makes you think you are fine, but really you are at your most contagious point, so you go out and pass it along to everyone. Again I say oops and sorry to all of you I saw on Monday. I didn't mean it.

Tuesday and Wednesday I was again either stuck in bed or on the couch. I watched a lot of dumb TV and movies, including The Love Guru and The Brothers Grimm. I will go ahead and say I was out of my mind for choosing to watch these movies, but then again we all have a little control over what we subject ourselves to do we not? Anyway, don't judge me.

Today (Thursday) I was an idiot and decided it would be okay if I went and worked at this place where I got a very casual job, The Messy Spot. The Messy Spot is a place where people can take their kids to sit and paint. I told the owner I would help out a few days for some extra cash and today was my first day. Big mistake. I had no right to get out of the comfort of my own bed. Adsy even told me not to go, but did I listen? NO! Now I am paying for it. I came home feeling worse than I did yesterday. Oh well at least I do not have to go back tomorrow.

So now I am sitting at the computer; playing stupid games like Mahjong's Titans, Facebook stalking all of you that are asleep right now, and googling how far I am from Conroe. Fun. Adsy is off having fun at indoor soccer and I had to stay home. I am seriously hoping I will be well by the weekend so I can at least enjoy it.

P.S. In case you were wondering it would take me 205 days and 14 hours to walk home to Conroe from here. I knew you all were wondering


  1. Your father is the person who gets a flu shot every year because it is the safe thing to do and you avoid feeling bad. Why everyone does not get it still astounds me. We make all of our nurses get them so they don't stay home sick or make other people sick when they are infected (like Rebecca)!

    So now you have had American Flu, Swine Flu (Oink!) and Aussie Flu. Are we seeing a pattern here? I'm just guessing but maybe a flu shot might make your life easier--just sayin'. Or, maybe you like feeling like crap.

    Gee, preventative healthcare, what a concept!

    I love you and glad you are feeling better.


  2. so glad you were able to confirm the amount of time it would take to walk to Conroe!! I was dying of anticipation!! ;)

    hope you are feeling better!!!

  3. It is definitely Dadwell who gets a flu shot every year. Remember Barbie Girl's remedy to everything? Hello hot bath & clean pair of underwear! I must say, I do think there is some truth to the latter rememdy, however I think the universe is telling you something on the flu shot home front...

    I love you!

