The chronicles of one girl's journey for love, education, and life down under.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

" I can tell that we are going to be friends"

Full discloser: the opening song of “Napoleon Dynamite” was the first thing that came to mind, and also appropriate for the topic of this post.

I went to a wedding last weekend and hung out some very nice young ladies, some of whom I had never met, others that I had not seen in a very long time. One of the girls had heard about my moving plans, and upon my first arrival, excitedly told me about one of her good friends moving to Sydney. Before the weekend was over, I told the girl to make sure she and I exchanged information about her friend so introductions could be made before we both go to Australia.

I met Kristen for coffee yesterday, and liked her instantly. From first reaction she was very nice, and easygoing. We seemed to have a lot in common, and knew a lot of the same people. She is my age, went to UT, was in a sorority, and the whole time we were talking I kept wondering how our paths hadn't already crossed. It was fun to compare notes, and discuss our motivations and all the things involved with our moves. Kristen is moving over for work and it was interesting to hear how different her process has been from mine.

I am very excited to make this new acquaintance. It is nice to know that I will have another fellow Longhorn with me in a land full of Aussies. Kristen and I even joked about starting a Sydney Texas Exes chapter, because believe or not, there isn't one. I look forward to all the new people I'm going to meet via Adam, school, etc. But as of right now, I'm happy to gain a new friend in Kristen!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Closing sale!

Stress has started to set in. Not because I’m leaving in 56 days, but because my apartment has not changed. It sounds weird, but coming home everyday from work and seeing all my stuff still in its rightful place or, more accurately, scattered everywhere, makes me realize how much I have to do in such a short period of time.

That being said the time has come to buckle down and cleanse myself of my earthly possessions. Sounds a bit drastic, but I really need to start going through and purging my apartment of the things I’m not taking to Australia. It’s a bit scary, and I’m sure once I start seeing things go I’ll be sad and the reality of me leaving will set in, but for now I’m actually kind of excited. Obviously, I won’t be getting rid of everything. I know my dad would prefer me to do so because he doesn’t want me to bring anything home, but there are some things I just can’t part with. Things like artwork and a piece of furniture here and there that Barbie girl wants to keep.

Craigslist is where I’m going to start. I figured it will be one of the easiest ways to clear out everything without having to donate it all. Donation will happen, but why not try to make a little money first right? If anyone has other suggestions, bring them on I’m open. Do not be surprised if emails come your way with other things needing to go. Also, if you’ve had your eye on something of mine and you are thinking you want it, now is your chance to tell me, otherwise it could be gone. All in all, everything must go!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What did you just say?

Words, words, words. Who knew two English speaking countries could have so many barriers with words and phrases? You'd think that since Australians and Americans both speak English it would be easy to communicate with each other. WRONG! I cannot tell you how many conversations have been interrupted with the statement, "I have no idea what you are talking about" or the eruption of laughter when one person says a word that has a completely different meaning to the other person.

For example, Adam is a surfer and had a surfing competition coming up and I told him I would be rooting for him. In America, we all know if you are going to root for someone you are going to cheer for that person. In Australia, it means to have sex with someone much like shagging is to Austin Powers and English people. So when I told Adam I was going to root for him, he took it as I was going to have sex with someone for him. That was an awkward moment between the two of us. We quickly cleared up the confusion and had a good laugh, because like I said earlier, this happens a lot.

I know that I’m starting this subject area way too early, because as soon as I get over to Australia I'm sure I will have many more stories to tell about blank stares, misunderstandings, etc. Here are a few words that I have a come across so far that had to be explained to me.

Wanker/Titty wanker- Used to indicate that someone is being a jerk. Used in the same way as calling someone a “dick”.

Heaps- A unit of measurement

Arvo-afternoon, not to be confused with Avos, which are avocados

Budgie smugglers: A man’s bathing costume which looks like our men’s Speedos or if you prefer, banana hammocks. A budgie is a small bird, I’m sure you can understand why it is called a budgie smuggler.

Esky-An ice chest or cooler

Larrikin- a jokester or prankster

In short, what I have picked up from the Australia language is that they shorten everything. I didn’t do a good job of showing it here, but if in doubt and you want to say something like an Aussie would, abbreviate it. I’m sure this subject area will be touched upon a lot in posts to come but I wanted to give you a little taste of what it’s going to be like communicating with my bf and future friends.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Helpful Hints

In my ever continuing research on Australia, I came across an online booklet published by the Australian government titled, "Beginning a Life in Australia." I was reading through this booklet last night to see what kind of helpful information it had to offer me. The booklet covers information on topics such as: where to go for help, emergency services, Australian customs and law, etc. The booklet also covers topics I found even more interesting like: polite behavior, common Australian expressions, and clothing. A few of the helpful hints that stuck with me were:

"Australians usually say “excuse me” to get someone’s attention and “sorry” when they accidentally bump into someone. Australians also say “excuse me” or “pardon me” when they burp or belch in public or in someone’s home."

"Most Australians blow their noses into handkerchiefs or tissues, not onto the pavement. This is also true for spitting. Many people will also say “bless you” when you sneeze – this phrase has no religious intent."

"For example, some women wear clothes that reveal a lot of their body. You should not judge them by the standards of your previous country. In Australia, no matter what a woman’s style of dress might be, you must not interpret it to mean they have low morals or that they wish to attract men’s interest."

I understand people from another country would actually need this information and find it very useful. I personally found it amusing. Don't judge me Australia when I'm out wearing my hussy clothes, I have high morals!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"You're a monkey Derek!"

This blog has been up one day, and already I have been in trouble for not mentioning Adam in the first post. In my defense, I figured that there will be a lot of posting about Adam in the future, so I thought I would keep the introduction of this blog about myself. Let us not forget that part of the reason I'm moving over to Australia is to be with him! The tagline under the title says, "...for love, education, and life.....," Adam is my love! Here to prove that, and make him and Cade feel better, are some modeling snapshots I've taken of Adam during our Skype calls to one another. Enjoy!

( P.S. the last one is probably my favorite, I think Adam was going for a lion look)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"The dingo ate your baby!"

"The dingo ate your baby", a funny line from a popular 90's sitcom, a mild reality for my parents. I'm not being eaten by a dingo, obviously, but I am moving to the land where the dingoes reside, Australia! I plan on using this blog as a way to keep all of you, my friends and family, updated on my life down under. Feel free to comment or ask questions on anything I write. I want to make sure I don't disappear from your lives as I journey to the land of kangaroos, koalas, cassowaries, and Crocodile Dundee.

I am going back to school at the University of New South Wales for a Masters of Art Administration. School starts July 19th, and I am super excited. It is the type of program that I have had an interest in for a long time. If you wish to read more about the program, visit the program's website at

I have been granted my student visa and purchased my one way ticket (CRAZY!) to Australia, and will depart the USA on June 17th. I am moving out of Austin at the end of May and hanging out in Conroe, San Antonio, or Austin until I leave.

This is where I stand currently with everything, and will continue to post updates as they happen. Hopefully, this blog will prove to be informative as well as entertaining as I go through my adventures down under! Wish me luck in that I do not actually get eaten by a dingo!

Peace, love, Australia!