The chronicles of one girl's journey for love, education, and life down under.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy birthday to ME (and Dad)!!

Happy birthday to ME and my Dad!! As most of you probably know or do not know, my dad and I share a birthday. I am always disappointed when I do not get to be with him on or around my birthday. We usually try to make it work. On my 21st he flew in to Austin and totally surprised me. Last year my parents and I drove and met each other in Brenham, TX. Needless to say this year it was not possible to do either of those things. Hawaii is still a little far for a "meet in the middle on our birthday" type of trip. However, I still had a great birthday! Many thanks to another special boy in my life.

My birthday started on Saturday night when Adam presented me with my birthday present which included an awesome unicorn card made out to Sookie from True Blood, a pair of beautiful blue opal earrings which I wore that night, and last but not least sushi classes!! But it did not stop there, Adam also organised dinner for us and our closet 16 friends at a Japanese restaurant nearby. Can you see the theme? Sushi classes and sushi! Mmmm Being the awesome guy he is, Adam also went out and bought six bottles of wine and a case of beer for everyone to drink at dinner. He just wanted everyone to have a great time he said. What a sweet boy, and what a good time we did have! Or at least I did!! So much in fact that I felt it the next day on my actual birthday.

Thanks Adsy and everyone else who made my birthday so special! Happy birthday to you too Dadwell! I love you! Next year we should meet up in Hawaii for sure!


  1. Wish I could have been there to celebrate!!! Looks like y'all had a blast. Really pretty pictures of you baby girl!

  2. Happy birthday to the best birthday present I ever received! I treasure the fact that we share a special day. I love you

  3. You are so beautiful, Becca!! I love all your updates. Oh and I so cried reading Duane's comment on this post. :)
