The chronicles of one girl's journey for love, education, and life down under.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Night Swim!

Down the beach (where I was walking yesterday) there is a rock pool built into the side of the ocean where the water meets the rocks.  It is a really cool public pool where people can swim laps, without having to worry about getting sucked out to sea (or eaten by a shark). With Adsy's hurt knee he is not able to do sports of any kind and that has been bumming him out. Last night I suggested we go for a swim at the pool. I figured it would help him to do something active in the ocean, but also start to strengthen his knee before surgery. 

Once we got there I was kicking myself for suggesting it because the water was pretty cold, but once I got in it felt really nice.  It was a lot of fun too, because even though you are in a pool you are still in the ocean.  The waves crash down and the current pulls you so it is a really good work out.  We were only in there for about 15 minuets and afterwards I was exhausted.

Adsy brought his camera and snapped a few photos of our time there.  It was pretty dark by this point so the photos may be hard to see clearly.

I am sitting on a rock looking past the pool at the ocean. The pool is pretty shallow therefore no diving.
The rock pool with the ocean beyond the little wall.  There is a chain on the wall that people like to hold on to and let the waves crash on them. 

Pretty sky!
 I think after the surgery we will be spending more time here. However, since we'll be getting into winter by that point I don't know how much time I'll be spending in the pool. For now though, the pool made for a nice Thursday night!

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