What can be better than champagne and pumpkin pie? Celebrating Adsy's last final with champagne and pumpkin pie! The champagne was to celebrate Adsy taking his last test at school. The pumpkin pie was also to celebrate, but it was also there mainly because Adsy has never before tasted the yummyness that is pumpkin pie. However, I ended up overcooking the crust a little and I think the taste was a little too much for him. Needless to say I have been enjoying the pumpkin pie by myself, and that is alright with me. (Also I have to note that the pumpkin pie mix did not come from Australia. I asked Libby to bring a can over when she came and not only did she bring a can of mix, but she brought Libby's brand pumpkin pie mix!)
For those of you who do not know, Adsy has been in school getting his builders license for the last two years. Three nights a week from 5:30-9pm he has had class, and this is also after a full day of work. It has been hard for him and honestly I don't think I could do it. I have worked part time while going to school full time and I thought that was hard. Trying doing both school and work full time. Crazy. Now he is officially finished! Now he can manage his own projects and start to build his own company. How exciting! I am so proud and happy for him. Congratulations on a job well done babe!
Obviously to celebrate this great achievement of Adsy taking his last final champagne was in order. I even purchased champagne glasses because we didn't have any, and I let him be the man and open the bottle and pour the glasses. He clearly enjoyed doing this.
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