If I had known that November required grown men to grow creepy mustaches I think I would have gone home sooner rather than later. I had never heard of Movember until Adsy told me about it last year. Now I feel like I hear about it (and look at it) all the time.
Technically, the point of Movember is to raise awareness of prostate cancer for men. With so many stunts for cancer awareness it is hard to keep them all straight. Like my friend Cade said while we were discussing the matter, "there needs to be some type of awareness for all of the cancer awareness." It is true. Since when do we need to grow mustaches or cryptically tell people on facebook where we like to put our handbag to raise awareness for cancer. (Note I am guilty of this last one, I did happen to think it was funny).
This post is not about cancer or the pros and cons to the different methods of cancer awareness, it is purely about Adsy's new 70's porn star look. I would like to raise awareness about what I have to see every day for the next 30 days. It will only get worse as the days drag by.
In case any of you would like to donate to the Australian Movember prostrate cancer research click here and choose individual and search for Adam Souter. Do not feel obligated, but I guess it would be nice.
P.S. Having this moustache requires Adam to make this weird face where he purses his lips together. I have no idea why.
I hear ya seester...I am having to deal with TC's creepy handlebar moustache. He is very proud of it. TR is pretty creeped out by it. :-)