The chronicles of one girl's journey for love, education, and life down under.

Friday, July 29, 2011


It is whale season here in Australia and I had my first whale spotting today! Very exciting. I went to visit my friend Mel and as we were sitting outside* chatting all of a sudden out in the distance we saw a big thing jump out of the water and fall back in. WHALE! It was massive and made a huge splash.  We think it may have been a mom and baby-I'm not really sure why we thought that.  Mel said it was and since I do not know anything about whales I went with it. Nevertheless it did it again and you could see the arm and tail sticking out at times.  Even though we were really far away you could also see the water being sprayed from its blowhole.  Pretty amazing and cool.  After that I stopped listening to Mel (sorry Mel!) and started intently watching for whales.  Soon after those initial two jumps they swam away from us and we didn't see them again. Sad.  It was almost like they were trying to get our attention, which they did, to say hello and then swim on.  Mel and I are planning an official whale watching day so hopefully I will get to see them up close, but today was a nice surprise. I wish I had a picture to post, but I didn't have a camera and we were too far away to get a good picture anyway.

*We were over at Mel's boyfriend's parents house and their porch overlooks the ocean. Nice huh?

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